Together, we can design better business and human rights systems.

Our Services

Article 30’s bespoke research, training, and advisory services help businesses scale impact and make meaningful progress toward their human rights and social sustainability goals.

Stakeholder Engagement

Effective stakeholder engagement enables companies to address human rights risks and realize genuine win-wins. We help companies develop and implement effective stakeholder engagement programs by:

  • Integrating diverse and local perspectives With an extensive global network of human rights practitioners, we help companies understand and navigate realities on the ground.

  • Moving from listening to acting: Too often, businesses fail to meaningfully integrate stakeholder perspectives and feedback into company processes and decision-making. We help companies integrate stakeholder perspectives and feedback into company decision-making and practices.

  • Ensuring ongoing dialogue: Meaningful stakeholder engagement requires trust, respect, and transparency. We help companies develop processes to integrate stakeholder perspectives across every stage of the human rights due diligence (HRDD) process.


With a growing number of mandatory human rights due diligence requirements across the globe, businesses need to ensure their employees, suppliers, and other business partners are fluent in the “language” of human rights. Drawing on our team’s extensive human rights expertise and field experience, we develop customized, accessible training courses, including: 

  • “Know your rights” training for workers. 

  • Human rights due diligence training for suppliers and management teams.

  • Worker voice training about consultation, grievance, and remediation processes.

Grievance and Remedy

Our grievance services help companies evaluate and improve their existing operational-grievance mechanisms, or establish new ones. We advise businesses on critical and often overlooked aspects of grievance, such as:

  • Pre-conditions for effective grievance mechanisms

  • Functional gaps and barriers to effective remedy

  • A human rights-based approach to remedy processes

  • Integrating community and stakeholder feedback into remedy systems

Ready to raise the bar?

A30/ is shaping the future of Business & Human Rights through leading-edge research, targeted training, and advisory services. Get in touch, and let’s talk business — and human rights.


/ Feature

Reflections and Directions − Business and Human Rights in Asia: From the First Decade to the Next

This report serves to contribute to UNGPs10+ by surveying the status of business and human rights (BHR) across Asia, bringing together different visions and identifying opportunities for the decade ahead. It presents an overview of the status of BHR in Asia and focuses particularly (but not exclusively) on 11 countries demonstrating some progress on BHR namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

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HRDD Playbook

Human rights due diligence (HRDD) is a must for any responsible business. When done well, HRDD proactively prevents business-related harm and puts affected people in a position to protect themselves, their interests, and one another. Any company can do this if they have the right playbook.

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