We believe responsible business can improve lives and lift communities.

About A30/

We are experts in Business and Human Rights. We work with clients to create more resilient, responsible businesses, empowered communities, and a future where shared prosperity is business as usual.


Who we are

We are a global team of expert-practitioners who use human rights to create more resilient, responsible businesses and empowered communities.

Who we serve

Our clients are the enterprises, institutions, and standard setters who share our belief that profit shouldn’t come at the expense of people or the planet.

What we do

We help our clients do the right things the right way in even the toughest circumstances. Our services include research, training, and advisory services.

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What makes A30/ different?


Businesses are saying the right things and ticking boxes on paper. This does not necessarily translate to doing the right things the right way in practice. Businesses that do not properly manage risks to people end up creating risks for themselves. They are sued and sanctioned, subjected to employee walkouts and protests, and targeted by advocacy groups for human rights abuses and apathy. What’s more, these businesses are causing or contributing to preventable human suffering. There is a better way. Businesses can break this cycle by making respect for human rights a priority on paper and in practice. They can do so by: 

  • Crafting policies and mandates that enable people to deter harmful businesses decisions and practices

  • Raising awareness to establish a common understanding of their rights and responsibilities, and how to act on them 

  • Consulting with affected individuals and communities, which positions them as rights holders rather than bystanders

  • Working with affected rights holders to respond to salient risks and issues

  • Establishing mechanisms or processes that empower people to prevent or stop the escalation of harm


That is why A30/ exists: to guide business down this road to more resilient, responsible businesses, empowered communities, and a future where shared prosperity is business as usual.

Our Namesake

A30/ is a homage to Article 30 – the Salvatory Clause of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Article 30 reminds that human rights cannot exist without human responsibility. We are free to exercise our rights to the extent that we don’t infringe on the inherent rights and freedoms of others. When we get this right, inhumanity is confined, and the best of humanity can thrive. Similarly, profit cannot come at the expense of people and the planet. Responsible business is the only way to advance humanity. It is not only about preventing harm, it is about putting all parties in a position to thrive.

A30/ Founder

Dr. Matthew Mullen A30/ Founder & CEO Connect on Linkedin

Dr. Matthew Mullen
A30/ Founder

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Dr. Matthew Mullen is a human rights and peace practitioner. He has more than 15 years of field experience working in places like Myanmar, North Korea, Vietnam, the Deep-South of Thailand, Ethiopia, and many other contexts.

After the UNGPs was unanimously endorsed in 2011, Mullen became dedicated to the field of business and human rights. He saw a need for human rights practitioners in the field and established A30/ to bridge the gap.

Mullen is recognized as a global expert on the UNGPs and has advised the UN, governments, large foundations, and business enterprises of all sizes. In 2022, Mullen authored Reflections and Directions − Business and Human Rights in Asia: From the First Decade to the Next (UNDP).