A30/ Human Rights Policy


Article 30 Inc. exists to achieve tangible results for individuals and communities who are affected by business enterprises. This commitment to human rights and affected rights holders makes it all the more important for us to have an explicit human rights policy. Article 30 is a social enterprise branded around an article from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 30, which serves to advance respect for human rights. Yet, like any business enterprise, Article has the potential to adversely impact human rights. After internal deliberations and meaningful consultation with affected stakeholders, we have determined that our policy should be focused on several salient risks. We will continuously reassess this approach and update this policy as we continuously consult with those stakeholders that we work with, work for, or otherwise impact. 


Article 30 embraces our responsibility to respect human rights as prescribed by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the UNGPs) – the authoritative normative framework of responsibility. We employ proven, best practices to ensure that we mitigate and prevent any business-related human rights abuses or adverse impacts. Should such harm occur, Article 30 is fully committed to providing or facilitating effective remedy and will employ best practices when doing so.


Selection of Projects

Whether posting a commentary, producing a guide or course, consulting with a client, or taking on a research project, Article 30 will deliberate on the potential human rights impact or implications, and consult with relevant stakeholders, before committing. We will consider any potential for harm or unintended consequences for anyone involved, and, where appropriate, publicly communicate an awareness of such risks. Where risks do become apparent, we will employ extensive prevention measures internally and in collaboration with our business partners. We do undertake projects in high-risk circumstances, in fact we specialize in these, and in these circumstances, we work closely with stakeholders and rights holders to ensure that we do not do or contribute to harm. Where we believe that a project is not designed or carried out to achieve tangible results for affected individuals and communities, we will terminate our involvement.

Transparency of Influences

Article 30 will publicly disclose any influences, whether monetary or other support, in relation to any of our projects. Where business partners wish to remain anonymous, we will acknowledge those influences and explain their wish for anonymity. 

Non-Disclosures and Conditions

When Article 30 enters into a contract and/or non-disclosure with a business partner, Article 30 will assess those terms against the letter or spirit of the UNGPs.  We recognize the utility of non-disclosures and conditions and do not believe them to be inherently out of alignment with the UNGPs. However, Article 30 recognizes the importance of ensuring that contract and/or non-disclosure conditions do not enable human rights abuses or adverse impacts. Further, in line with our commitment to doing no harm in our selection of projects, Article 30 will deliberate about all elements of non-disclosure or conditions and reject any measures that may compromise Article 30’s responsibility to respect human rights.

Scope of services

Article 30 makes it clear that we do not provide legal counsel and our services pertain only to international human rights norms. We do speak to legal and domestic issues. We are dedicated to achieving results for affected rights holders, and using international human rights norms to this end. Article 30 provides specialized commentary and guidance on how to reckon with issues in BHR that often transcend the legal domain and we remind our business partners and stakeholders of this at every opportunity.


Article 30’s pledge to human rights principles encompasses an unwavering commitment to non-discrimination. We do not take a passive approach to this. Article 30 is committed to diversity (relative to gender, ethnicity, nationality, backgrounds, sexual orientation, etc.). Article 30 embraces diversity as an integral part of being a human rights advisory and we recognize that diversity lends to more complete and dynamic conversations, ideas, decision-making, solutions, services and deliverables. For this reason, we work internally, with stakeholders, and with business partners to ensure that our teams are diverse both quantitatively and qualitatively, meaning that we establish special measures to ensure that diverse teams experience equality and accountability.


As Article 30 evolves, we will conduct regular reviews of this policy and our broader human rights impact. We welcome feedback from all stakeholders and will use this engagement to tweak our approach. Our aim is to be optimal and we are always open to ideas for improvement.


Please direct questions, concerns, and any feedback on this policy or Article 30’s human rights impact to our CEO at matthew@article30.org. All communications will be handled in a timely manner.


Dr. Matthew Mullen

Founder, Article 30 Inc.